
Thank you so much for checking out my site. I hope you feel welcomed, and enjoy the space. Here’s some things about me.

My grandmother taught me to crochet when I was 7 and though I haven’t crocheted every year since then, it has remained a constant craft throughout my life. However, for the past 10 years or so, crochet has been a daily craft, and I started to design mosaic patterns at the beginning of 2021. Pre-covid, I taught multiple subjects/grades at an inner city middle school where I also got to host a crochet club for some enterprising and curious students.

I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas, but got to travel around when I was younger and I also have been to almost every state. My husband and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary in June, and we have a very spoiled adopted shelter dog- who you will sometimes see featured in my crochet posts.

I graduated university with degrees in English Lit, Linguistics, and Journalism, and have learned 8 different languages through the years. My goal was to be able to communicate with anyone anywhere I ever got to travel. I feel like crochet is an amazing outlet for me to design what I am passionate about, and to connect with people all over the world. You will find that some of my patterns trend toward cultures and specific design periods, my city’s beautiful designs and historic buildings, and to my own cultures- I am a mixed mutt, but I am mainly Hispanic and Irish.

For pattern info, contests and fun, join my facebook group, or follow me on instagram, reddit, youtube, or tiktok!